The highly anticipated series of the year has finally been announced! “Celebrations” will be name of the Pokemon 25th Anniversary series, featuring Pokemons such as Dark Sylveon, Lance’s Charizard, Flying and Surfing Pikachu, Dragapult Prime, Mew, Ho-oh, Umbreon and Tapu Lele-GX, Zamazenta, Professor Oak, Greninja, Pikachu V-UNION and VMAX.
It is a set to include “more than 45 cards” including four V and two VMAX. Speculations of a Base Set Charizard reprint, will find out more about it as we near release!

The first products will be released on October 8th. Like Generations from the 20th release, packs will only be available in special products and will not be sold separately.
Celebrations Collection—Dragapult Prime
Celebrations Collections—Lance’s Charizard V and Dark Sylveon V
Celebrations Deluxe Pin Collection
Celebrations Elite Trainer Box
Celebrations Mini Tins
Celebrations Special Collection—Pikachu V-UNION
The ETB will include a Greninja as well as ten Celebrations packs (4 cards in each) and 5 additional booster packs. The Ultra Premium Collection includes a Gold Version Pikachu V, Gold Version Poké Ball, Base set Pikachu & Charizard metal cards.
Each Celebrations booster pack will contain four cards – all holographic – featuring characters popular across all regions.
The set will also feature a special subset of 25 cards that are close remakes of iconic cards from the history of the game, including (you guessed it) Charizard, Umbreon and Tapu Lele-GX.
Available from Oct 22, 2021
Celebrations Premium Figure Collection—Pikachu VMAX
Celebrations Ultra-Premium Collection
Celebrations Collector Chest